
Warm Meals for Your Employees in Wintertime

As we enter the shorter and chillier days of winter, we desert dwellers seek many ways to find warmth. The blankets on our sofas that are used for decoration most of the year will soon be used for their true purpose as they lay across our laps. The air conditioner is switched to heater, probably


New Year’s Resolution: Treat Your Employees

New Year’s Eve is always a night filled with such promise. We attend fancy parties dressed in our most glittery attire or we sit home in our jammies, waiting for the big crystal ball to drop over Times Square and we imagine a big chalkboard eraser poised over the night sky, ready to wipe clean

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Corporate Christmas Party Catering from Fresh Taste

It’s official, we are firmly in the midst of the holiday season, with Christmas being next up to bat, and as you take a look around your offices, watching your employees work diligently and with the unending cheer that has been their mood even during the most troubled of times, you can’t help but feel


Set Up a Corporate Holiday Party with Fresh Taste

As we come to the end of another crazy and mixed-up year, you are beginning to realize more than ever just how much your employees do for you! After learning to adapt to Zoom meetings and working from home, they have had to readapt to wearing pants and fighting Phoenix traffic when coming BACK to

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Thanksgiving Menu Items You Will Love at Fresh Taste

Good morning, friends, we at Fresh Taste Meal Prep have something to tell you. In case you haven’t noticed, the temperatures have barely reached the 90s over the last couple of weeks, our automatic headlights are turning on before we reach home again, and we are spending more time outside than in. These three facts

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Our October Partner: Beyond Fear to Freedom

As the holiday season grows closer, we all experience a little frisson of fear at the amount of money we are about to spend, and our waists experience more than a little discomfort at the thought of all the calories we will consume; it IS the season of excess, and we don’t like to deny

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Our Favorite Meals for Corporate Customers

Corporate life has never been as stressful as it is right now, as hardworking employees are hard to find and shortages in just about everything you need in life lead to angry customers, but you are one of the lucky ones. Your employees have stayed loyal, transitioning from working in office to telecommuting from home

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Freeze & Save Meals from Fresh Taste

There are many reasons you may choose to freeze the meals you ordered from Fresh Taste Meal Prep, especially as you can’t be sure that the meal you crave this week will be on the menu next week! Our ever-changing menu caters to those who prefer change, and as such, our menu options will not

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What’s Your Favorite Meal from Fresh Taste Meal Prep?

Now that you have gotten into the rhythm of ordering on Thursdays and having our delicious meals delivered on Sundays, there are probably a few items that you consistently add to your list. Maybe it’s the breakfast tacos that make mornings pass by so much more smoothly, or possibly it is our charcuterie boxes that

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What’s New on This Week’s Meal Prep Menu?

When your days all start looking the same—you get up, you go to work, you come home, and you start fixing dinner—you may start to feel a little resentful when the kids or spouse comes in and asks, “What’s for dinner?” It is their house too, and although their cooking may not match up to
