Our October Partner: Beyond Fear to Freedom

As the holiday season grows closer, we all experience a little frisson of fear at the amount of money we are about to spend, and our waists experience more than a little discomfort at the thought of all the calories we will consume; it IS the season of excess, and we don’t like to deny ourselves or our families anything if we don’t have to! But our fears, worries, and discomfort pale in comparison to a certain segment of our society, a segment we may not often think about (unless it concerns us personally) and one that needs our help more than ever during the holidays. We are talking about women who have dug deep inside themselves and found the courage to quit, and as they make their way through the confusing aftermath of recovery are trying to rebuild their lives for themselves and their families. We all have made poor decisions in our lives, some big and some small, and we at Fresh Taste Meal Prep have “teamed up” with a group called Beyond Fear to Freedom to help provide meals for those who have so little.

Meet Our October Arizona Meal Prep Partner

Generally, we take this time to discuss the different meals we offer and the different ways our meals can make your life easier, but this month we would like to do things a little differently and shine the spotlight on our October partner, Beyond Fear to Freedom (referred to as BFF from here on out) Supporting women in their struggles as they fight to break through the cycles that have kept them down and work to build a family free of the damage they themselves have faced, BFF provides the changes women need to do just that, offering everything from meals to childcare to education at absolutely no cost to the women and families involved. They know the struggles they face, and this non-profit organization is there to provide a safe place to land when they stumble or fall.

Getting involved in the lives of the courageous women who are willing to put in the work necessary for change takes the leaders and team workers of BFF to places that most of us would rather not think about, and the women behind the mission are uniquely prepared to meet those challenges as they have beat the odds as well! And although addiction is one of the biggest problems, this program offers support for women who are facing any difficult transition; from homelessness to domestic violence to prostitution, BFF is there helping them find the tools to pull themselves up and thrive.

This starts with the simplest of activities, an activity that is near and dear to our hearts, a Friday night dinner. Food is our life gift, and we at Fresh Taste Meal Prep make our living by feeding others, but the women behind BFF take that gift to the next level every Friday night of the year. Served from 5:30 to 6 PM, the women in the BFF program gather together to discuss the destructive cycles they have experienced in their lives and the ways they can break the chains that hold them back. Childcare is provided, (free of charge) and because men often need help too, the Friday night program invites them to come along, splitting off into a separate group to discuss and learn after the meal is complete. BFF teaches by example, and the tools developed in these beneficial Friday night programs will help everyone build new lives, lives that are healthy, strong, and happy, and we at Fresh Taste Meal Prep are excited to be able to help!

You Can Help Too!

Helping is easy, and although it will take a team effort, we believe that by working together we can be the change too! With every 10 Arizona meal prep dishes purchased from Fresh Taste Meal Prep in the month of October, we will donate one free meal to Beyond Fear to Freedom! See how easy that was? Especially when you think of your regularly scheduled meal deliveries you receive every week. On average, a family of four tends to purchase a minimum of 20 meals a week, thereby being responsible for two free meals a week, or eight for the entire month. Who knew doing a good deed could be so deliciously easy? If you are feeling particularly generous, throw in a few extra charcuterie boxes for your own Friday nights with the hubby and kids, invite the neighbors over for a Southwestern themed dinner of chili lime shrimp, or splurge on a date night dinner of steak and broccoli, upping the number of meals you donate to BFF!

Order your meals today and do good while eating well!


Just give us some contact and event details below




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