Thanksgiving Menu Items You Will Love at Fresh Taste
Good morning, friends, we at Fresh Taste Meal Prep have something to tell you. In case you haven’t noticed, the temperatures have barely reached the 90s over the last couple of weeks, our automatic headlights are turning on before we reach home again, and we are spending more time outside than in. These three facts lead us to the inescapable conclusion that, yes, the holidays have crept up on us once again, and Thanksgiving is just a few short weeks away! Before you start to panic, however, why not take a look at our Thanksgiving menu options, allowing you to spend your time doing the important stuff like decorating and starting your Christmas shopping early! This guide to our Thanksgiving feast will ensure that the holiday is relaxing, thankful, and, of course, taste-full!
Family Feast for All Sizes of Families
Families do come in all shapes and sizes, and as such, we offer two different feast options, one for a family of two and one for a family of four, allowing you to mix and match if your family is a large one! The two-person option only costs $54 (you can’t even eat out at a restaurant for that low of a cost!) and comes with all the same meal options as the four-person feast—it just features smaller portions. The dinner for four costs $99 (again, what a steal!) and lets the family cook relax and enjoy a day in which they will be really thankful they don’t have to cook. Also offering extra sides that you can add on to your feast at an added cost, you may have to worry about Aunt Janice complaining about the heat or your kids conveniently forgetting that it is their responsibility to clear the table, but you won’t have to worry that everyone won’t have enough to eat with our Arizona Meal prep services!
A Recipe for Happiness
So, what can you expect to be serving your family and guests on the most thankful day of the year? Pretty much everything you would normally serve, which takes so much pressure off that if there are a couple of dishes you just HAVE to make on your own, you really won’t mind at all! We start out with, of course, the star of the show, citrus herb roasted turkey breast! This boneless turkey is guaranteed to be moist and flavorful and comes in two-pound serving sizes and four-pound serving sizes, ensuring there will be enough for everyone in your family. No Thanksgiving meal would be complete without cranberry relish, so of course it is a part of the feast, and if you want more, consider ordering a side. All the side dishes we offer serve two and cost $8 each, so feel free to add to your purchase as much as you desire! The pan gravy we offer tastes like homemade and is guaranteed to be a hit as it is poured over mashed potatoes that are a part of the feast. Not everyone likes or needs the starchy goodness that is mashed potatoes, so we offer the option of substituting a sweet potato casserole; if you crave both, no problem, as both of these items are available for purchase as sides, as well as the green bean casserole that is next on the list! This classic dish is a favorite one, and because we use locally sourced green beans, it is a healthy addition to the menu while still offering the traditional flavors we all love. Fresh baked dinner rolls are soft and fresh and is on both the regular menu and the sides menu, and because Thanksgiving would not be the same without pumpkin pie, we have added that to the feast! The two-person dinner contains two slices, and the four-person meal has 4 slices, so take it into consideration that this is not an entire pie.
Missing Something With Your Arizona Meal Prep?
Not everyone craves turkey at the holidays. For some of us, the thought of a large scoop of herbed stuffing brings delight to our souls, and as such, Fresh Taste Meal Prep has added this wonderful side dish to the sides for purchase menu, ensuring you won’t have to skip your favorite part of the meal. And although you know the secret to fresh and moist stuffing has always been to stuff the cavities of your holiday turkey and our stuffing has never seen the inside of any fowl, we can promise that it will be moist, tasty, and quite possibly your new obsession. The sides menu also features three cheese mac and cheese and roasted farm vegetables, making this meal just about as close to perfect as it can be!
Reserve Your Feast by November 18th at 3 PM
Because you want this meal to be fresh when served on Thanksgiving, delivery or pick up service will be offered on Wednesday, November 24th. Reserve your meal soon!