In a world where temptations surround you, it can be difficult to take the high road, especially when it comes to food! We all know that we should take in less carbs and eat more veggies and proteins, but carbs are just so delicious that we don’t want to avoid them! If this is how you are thinking, Fresh Taste Meal Prep can help you lower your carb intake without eliminating them altogether with our Chicken Tinga Taco Bowl. Moderation is the key to any successful dietary change, and we think this dish is the best compromise of all!
You Can Do This!
The Chicken Tinga Taco Bowl is a compromise to lower carbs without tasting like a compromise! Made of the same tender braised chicken used in our Chicken Tinga Tacos, and also topped with the same sweet and creamy avocado crema, the mango salsa adds a touch of decadence with its sweet heat and cool textures. Where is the compromise, you might be asking at this point; the answer is that we have done away with the corn tortillas. Eliminating at least 11 grams of carbs per taco, diners who are monitoring their carb intake can feel less guilty about consuming this spicy dish, even if it is served over savory Mexican rice! Hey, you can’t be expected to just throw out all the bad stuff in one fell swoop, and our Chicken Tinga Taco Bowl offers the proof that moderation is a good thing!
Lunch Time Delights
There really isn’t a bad time to enjoy this special dish, but if you happen to take it in to work for your midday meal, you might want to order a few extras to share with your friends, which could also earn you an Employee of the Month award for being so generous! The smell of our Chicken Tinga Taco Bowl wafting through the air will bring friends, coworkers, and quite possibly some frenemies to your desk, and sharing with them all is just one way of improving your office ambience! It is impossible to be sad, angry, or spiteful when enjoying a bite of the chicken tinga!
Submit Your Order Today
The Chicken Tinga Taco Bowl is all you need to make your day go more smoothly—order yours today from our corporate meal prep company in AZ!